Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Director: Gareth Edwards

Writers: Chris Weitz, Tony Gilroy, John Knoll, and characters created by George Lucas.

Cast: Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso), Diego Luna (Cassian Andor), Alan Tudyk (K-2SO), Donnie Yen (Chirrut Imwe), Wen Jiang (Baze Malbus), Ben Mendelsohn (Orson Krennic), Guy Harvey (Governor Tarkin), Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera), Riz Ahmed (Bodhi Rook), Mads Mikkelsen (Galen Erso), Jimmy Smits (Bail Organa), Alister Petrie (General Draven), Genevieve O'Reilly (Mon Mothma), Ben Danials (General Merrick), Paul Kasey (Admiral Raddus), Stephen Stanton (Admiral Raddus), Ian McElhinney (General Dodonna), Fares Fares (Senator Vaspar), Jonathon Aris (Senator Jebel), Sharon Duncan-Brewster (Senator Pamlo), and Spencer Wilding as Darth Vador, James Earl Jones (Darth Vador), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Valena Kane as Lyra Erso.

Opening Sequence:

By the time this piece is out it will be December 24, 2016 an important date to all families around the world. Yes the film came out last week, but like i said before, my wife's c-section is scheduled on the 26th of December. With that being said, this review is very important to me. Not only will little Delaney Quinn Knight be born on the 26th, but the holiday comes to a close, and 2017 is just around the corner. To continue on a less emotional note, this review is dedicated to dads all over the world. Sometimes we don't get the credit we deserve, so a big thumbs up to all dads. Pregnancy is pretty hard on both parents, but as the wife hurts, so does her husband. Not taking away anything from the woman, but i will have to say it's hard on men as well.
With all that out of the way i could finally bring out the champion of films, and it's a Star Wars movie. Not only i'm i crazy about this film, i also offer you a chance to go on the link above and look at the Apple products. Check out fresh gift idea's that would make your Christmas great. Not that i'm forcing you to buy Apple, but in the case for phones or cool looking watches and technology that will blow your mind, Apple is where it is.
Either way folks have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Enough said and let me get this party started...

****Spoilers****Spoilers****Spoilers****Spoilers****Spoilers****Spoilers****Spoilers****Spoilers. Don't read if you've haven't seen the movie. I myself have avoided spoilers by not opening social media videos or anything that entails Rogue One. So if you want an honest review. My thoughts on the film, then read on.  


An Imperial ship lands on a planet. Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) observes Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) a high ranking Imperial Senator. Krennic in accompanied by stormtroopers he orders them to check the surroundings. An exchange of words. Erso tries to convince Krennic that he is old, and forgetful, not the way he used to be. But, the Imperial Senator has noticed something wrong. Galen Erso seemed different and it has nothing to do with mind. Suddenly Lyra Erso (Valene Kane) appears. The stormtroopers raise their rifle blasters up in her direction. Her plea is not to agree to any terms of the Galactic Empire, but her show of force is nothing more than meddling with Imperial law. She tries to shoot Krennic, but misses and takes his arm instead. The response was enough to end her life.

A stormtrooper toy is found near them. The Imperial Senator's troopers sweeps the location, searching for the missing girl. Young Jyn Erso ( Beau Gadsdon) runs to the hidden compartment inside the caves, she remembers her father Galen telling her goodbye. "Stardust," a name he had always called her, she must not be caught. She must get inside the compartment before the troopers get to her. Hopefully  Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker) can find her before the Empire does. Hiding inside the compartment, she hears footsteps, unlike the stormtroopers. Someone has found the hidden compartment. She braces herself, finding solace in hiding her head from the noise. Everything comes to a halt. The Empire has found her. The hatch opens, and Saw Gerrera tells her to take his hand. The life of a girl. Her story begins with a simple action, reaching out to her destiny.

"The captain says you're a friend. I will not kill you."  -K-2SO-

"Thanks." -Jyn Erso-

What can i say about this film that the box office numbers hasn't already demonstrated. A very powerful opening weekend, 155,091,681. So far the world wide gross is 205,225,599. The mere budget for the film is 200,000,000, granted it is a Star Wars film but the reality of this film bombing was very high. The rewrites, editing, all those things matter. Especially when the whole story thing isn't strong enough for the audience. But, alas! this film overall was well done. The writing down to the characters that by the way were engaging. The characters managed to get it done right. They had a unique quality about them. K-2SO (Alan Tudyk) was my favorite, not that he played Wash in the film Serenity (2005) had anything to do with it. Alan is so good of an actor that he can pull you in with each character. K-2SO was engaging, in your face droid. To make things a bit more challenging, he was an Imperial Droid. Second to his buddy, Cassian Andor (Diego Luna). Luna played as Jack Lira in the film Milk (2008). Another actor that gets it right, and i really believe that is the strong point to Rogue One. Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen), Baze Malbus (Wen Jiang). All great concepts to a very tight story; Its was those connections that grew to something more, and to me the essence, and the success of the film.

"We have hope. rebellions are built on hope!" -Jyn Erso

The good guys were all great, at least the characters i mentioned. But what about the bad guys. The stupid stromtroopers, or the out of touch Imperial leader. A political scene that bores the hell out of you. No worries here, because they never happened. Orsen Krennic played by Ben Mendelsohn a well written character antagonist. Oh and by the way the actor has been in an awesome series on Netflix called Bloodline. He plays Danny, which his acting is amazing in that series, so i was really happy to see him on the big screen as an Imperial Director. His balance was good, no over acting, which results in a cool bad guy. I mean he is an Imperial dude behind the scenes. The scenes were not boring but pulled you in deeper. The stormtroopers were cool as well, feared, not stupid. Well having them stupid fits the world a bit more.
Another character was Governor Tarkin (Guy Henry). The original actor played by Peter Cushing died in Aug 11, 1994 at the age of 81. The CGI here to me was awesome, it probably paid homage to the actor. Some might say the effects were horrible, but i disagree. There were some parts that you could see the CGI effects but it was done with taste, and i can respect that. Last of the bad guys is Darth Vador (Spencer Wilding), Voice (James Earl Jones). The brilliance of only showing what needed to be seen and not go over kill had me at hello. I mean it's Darth Vador. Taking out a thousand rebels on foot, cool light saber scenes. But, glad it only happened the way it did in the film, because although it would be cool, but to much would've ruined the nostalgia, and the integrity of the film. To much, would of killed the film.

"I'm one with the Force, and the Force is with me." -Chirrut Imwe-


What i loved the most about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was the rebels fighting for what there version of freedom is. No Jedi. Only the Force, or the belief that there is something more than just the Empire's rule. The hope, a way to break the chains. The core of the film to me was the essence of the Force without the beautiful choreography that every fan-boy or girl like's so much, although having saber scenes are cool but to much can break your film. No light-saber, only a bunch of conflicted heroes who wanted something more. The very thought of a Jedi would not be cool in this story. The fact that the group only had a couple folks that thought of the Force was even better. It was an old religion at this point. Remember the Jedi were wiped out or in hiding. So the Empire had that advantage from the start, it was one lone character who to me made a small difference, but was enough to make an impact. Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen) a Force believer, demonstrated hand to hand skills that were very useful, an expert who is blind but could see many things, and that strength made this film a whole lot better. That's just another reason to love this film. Great story, characters that connect with each other, balanced action sequences. The Force or the belief in it was in the background. Used only when needed, not to much to ruin the story. Not saying the Force is wrong to have in a story, but like i said before, Jedi were hunted so folks kept what they knew of the old religion in secret.

"The world is coming undone. Imperial flags reign across the galaxy." -Saw Gerrera-

Star Wars will always make my day, no matter what the film is about. The prequels when they first hit the silver screen was somewhat amazing. I mean Star Wars was not at the movies for a very long time, so when the prequels especially Episode One had finally made it to the theater, it was crazy. The lines were horribly long, no matter what time you showed up. My point is that Star Wars is a movie for everyone. The audience went through a phase. No matter what the movie was about it still was loved.  After a while, you adjust, and go see it many times, it sinks deep with in you. Then reality hits you. The reviews are out, opinions are made, and what you thought of the film changes. It almost upsets your stomach. Episode One was something different. Afterwards the story of the Darth Vador becomes disliked. Not anyone fault, but yours. The price at the box office was met, and the fan-boy still went to see a bad film, no matter what. Don't blame the creator of the franchise. Lucas was the one who created something beautiful, magical. So if you part of the audience can do better than the father of Star Wars, then make a film that could top him. I think audiences fall into that expectation bracket, and when things fall a part, so does the viewers expectations.

George Lucas is the father of Star Wars, his concepts, and imagination are wonderful. He will always be the man behind the magic of what is an unbelievable Space Opera. So say what you want about the prequels, the magic of Star Wars is something more than just special effects. The film encompasses connections larger than any other film. Star Wars is and always shall be in fans hearts, no matter the cost. The magic of the Force, an X-Wing dog-fighting a Tie Fighter. The very sound of the Imperial March as it echoes throughout the theater. The blast from the Wookie Bow-caster, a light-saber clashing with another, a show of power between the forces of good and evil. What is Star Wars and the only words i can describe to you is simply, magic. The feeling you get when a star-destroyer covers the whole field of vision on screen, power, sight, sound, of the beautiful effects on the silver screen is the very magic that makes you the rebel, a Jedi master, and finally the hero you become after the Empire is defeated. The essence of what a a film can do to a 5 year old little boy. Back in the day it mystified me. Now i'm that little boy paying attention to that Space Opera that we all know and grew up with. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is like watching A New Hope for the very first time. The magic, power on screen brings the five year old out. The Star Wars universe just got a whole lot better.




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